A student asked me today: what comes after a trillion?
Since we're working on exponents so we understand the E of BEDMAS in next week's Math lessons, I was kind of interested in this, too. So I looked it up.
Since we're working on exponents so we understand the E of BEDMAS in next week's Math lessons, I was kind of interested in this, too. So I looked it up.
After a trillion comes a quadrillion, then a quintillion, and so on. The BASE of the number is 10, the EXPONENT is the smaller number to the upper right of the base.
For one billion, the base number is 10, the exponent is 9. When the base number is ten, the exponent will tell you how many zeros go behind the one:
10 to the power of 9 = 1 000 000 000
Hope this helps,
Ms. H
For one billion, the base number is 10, the exponent is 9. When the base number is ten, the exponent will tell you how many zeros go behind the one:
10 to the power of 9 = 1 000 000 000
Hope this helps,
Ms. H