Today we worked on:
It's and Its worksheet as a starter. (I have always found it easiest to figure out the difference by seeing if IT IS or IT HAS can replace the 'it's/its' in the sentence.)
'Said' is Dead - our dear friend, Said...has passed into the great beyond. As we mourn our loss, we have to make up for this missing piece by finding other ways to say 'said.' We brainstormed a list of words as a class, then worked on a passage where all the 'said's had been removed. We replace them with words that fit what was happening in the short story with words such as: exclaimed, blurted, giggled, yelled, questioned, etc...
On the back of the 'Said' is Dead sheet was a list of common words that could be replaced with other, more descriptive words. For example: walk becomes paced, marched, shuffled, strolled, and meandered. For each of the example 'one scoop' words, I asked students to find 'triple scoop' words that could replace them.
Despereaux - I read chapter 3 and 4 to the class today while they answered questions from the story. Afterward they were give time to look up the vocabulary words from these chapters.
Homework due for tomorrow morning:
Both sides of 'Said' is Dead
Chapter 3 & 4 questions and vocabulary words
Update: Our roaming librarian has delivered 11 The Tale of Despereaux novels for us to share! This will help us pick up the pace with the novel, plus allow us to get into our clock buddy pairs so we can read with different